Filing a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Claim in Ohio
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can have life-altering effects on accident victims and their families. If you or someone you love has suffered a TBI in an accident, it is important that you speak with a lawyer about your family’s legal rights. Accident victims and their families can recover financial compensation in many cases, and filing a successful claim can be important for your (or your loved one’s) long-term well-being and your family’s financial stability.
What do you need to know about filing a traumatic brain injury (TBI) claim in Ohio? Here are 10 important facts for TBI patients and their families:
10 Important Facts About Filing a Claim for a Traumatic Brain Injury
1. The Costs of Treatment for a TBI Can Be Substantial
The costs of treatment for a TBI can be substantial. While treatment needs vary significantly between different types of traumatic brain injuries, treating any form of TBI is extraordinarily expensive. According to one academic study, “[t]he lifetime costs of a patient’s treatment for a traumatic brain injury are estimated to run from $85,000 to $3 million.” If someone else is to blame for your (or your loved one’s) TBI, these may be costs that you are entitled to recover.
2. TBI Can Also Lead to Other Significant Financial Costs
Along with treatment expenses, traumatic brain injuries can also lead to other significant financial costs. For example, many TBI patients will be unable to work as a result of their injuries. Whether a TBI patient’s period of unemployment lasts for weeks, months, years, or the rest of his or her life, the inability to work can substantially increase the lifetime costs of an accident-related traumatic brain injury.
3. TBI Can Have Significant Non-Financial Costs as Well
While the financial costs of a TBI can be substantial, they can pale in comparison to the non-financial costs of living with the effects of brain trauma. Many TBI patients will experience chronic pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of consortium and companionship, and loss of enjoyment of life. Brain trauma can cause anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and a variety of other psychological conditions, and all of these conditions can have significant and long-term impacts on TBI patients’ lives.
4. Health Insurance Won’t Cover All of the Costs of a TBI
Since traumatic brain injuries can lead to loss of income, pain and suffering, and other financial and non-financial losses, your family’s health insurance won’t cover all of the costs of your (or your loved one’s) TBI. To make sure you and your family receive as much financial assistance as possible, you will need to speak with an experienced TBI lawyer in Ohio about your family’s legal rights.
5. Many Traumatic Brain Injuries Are Someone Else’s Fault
Traumatic brain injuries can result from all types of accidents, and, in many cases, these accidents are someone else’s fault. If you (or your loved one) suffered a TBI in a vehicle collision, fall or any other type of accident, you will want to speak with a lawyer to find out if you and your family have a claim.
6. Auto Liability and Other Liability Insurance Policies Cover TBI
In the vast majority of cases, recovering financial compensation for a traumatic brain injury involves dealing with the at-fault party’s insurance company. Auto liability and other types of liability insurance policies cover TBI from a wide range of causes. When dealing with insurance companies, however, you need to be very careful. If you aren’t, you could end up settling for just a fraction of the financial compensation you are rightfully owed.
7. The Sooner You Take Legal Action, the Better
If you and your family have a TBI claim in Ohio, it will be important for you to take legal action promptly. This starts with hiring an experienced TBI lawyer to represent you. The sooner you hire a lawyer, the sooner your lawyer can investigate the accident (and collect key evidence before it disappears), and the sooner your lawyer can help you and your family start to move on.
8. You Can Hire a TBI Lawyer to Represent You (or Your Family) at No Out-of-Pocket Cost
Hiring a lawyer to file a TBI claim costs nothing out-of-pocket. Your initial consultation is completely free, and you pay nothing unless you win. If you receive a settlement or monetary judgment for your (or your loved one’s) TBI, your legal fees will be calculated as a percentage of your family’s recovery.
9. Most Successful TBI Claims Settle Without Going to Court
When you hire a lawyer to file a TBI claim in Ohio, your lawyer will prioritize negotiating a favorable settlement. Most successful TBI claims settle without going to court. While negotiating a settlement takes time, it doesn’t take as long as taking a case to trial—and it avoids the inherent uncertainty of asking a jury to render a decision on your family’s legal rights.
10. You Owe it to Yourself and Your Family to Make Informed Decisions
Due to the substantial financial and non-financial costs of traumatic brain injuries, you owe it to yourself and your family to make informed decisions. Again, this starts with talking to an experienced TBI lawyer as soon as possible. Once you know what options you have available, then you can decide what to do next—and then you can move forward knowing that you are doing what is best for you and your family.
Discuss Your Family’s Legal Rights with a TBI Lawyer in Columbus, OH
If you, your spouse, your child or an aging parent has suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident in Ohio, we strongly encourage you to contact us for more information. We have significant experience representing individuals and families in catastrophic injury cases, and we can use our experience to fight for the financial compensation you and your family deserve. To learn more in a free and confidential consultation, please call 888-444-7440 or request a free consultation online today.