The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have left many businesses severely understaffed. While this presents challenges when it comes to customer service, it also increases the risk of on-the-job injuries for those who show up to work. If your workplace is understaffed and you have been injured on the […]
Author: Kip Malek
What Does It Mean if My Employer is Self-Insured for Workers’ Comp in Ohio?
Ohio’s workers’ compensation system is unique in that most employees must file their claims with the state’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) instead of with their employers. But, there is an exception for employers that are “self-insured.” If your employer is self-insured, you will need to file your claim with […]
When you get injured in a vehicle collision or other accident, recovering just compensation is important for moving on. This includes not only recovering just compensation for the out-of-pocket costs you have incurred (and will incur in the future), but also recovering just compensation for your pain and suffering. Accident […]
In personal injury cases, the person (or company) that causes a victim’s injury will often be directly liable for the victim’s losses. In Ohio, this includes liability not only for the victim’s financial losses (i.e., medical bills and lost wages) but also for the victim’s non-financial losses (i.e., pain and […]
Causes of Rear-End Truck Accidents
While truck accidents present serious risks for everyone involved, passenger vehicle occupants are usually at the greatest risk of suffering life-altering or life-threatening injuries. This is especially true in the case of a rear-end truck accident, in which an 18-wheeler or other large commercial truck runs into the back of […]